A paradoxical social phenomenon in South Korea

   In 2023, a new broadcasting trend has taken South Korea by storm—the rise of dating reality shows featuring ordinary people. Programs like "I am Solo," "Single's Inferno," "EXchange," and "Heart Signal" that capture the process of individuals finding "love" have gained immense popularity. Furthermore, dating reality shows revolving around ordinary individuals, even extending to topics like remarriage and divorce, continue to captivate audiences.

   Simultaneously, South Korea recorded the world's lowest total fertility rate of 0.7 in the second quarter of 2023. In a society where low birth rates and gender conflicts and animosities are emerging as pressing issues, the popularity of dating reality shows may seem contradictory. Why do dating reality shows thrive in a society that seems to be moving away from marriage and dating?

   Since I am not an expert, I tried to speculate on the reasons behind this paradoxical phenomenon through conversations with peer students. In a society marked by various reasons for avoiding romance and marriage, why do dating reality shows remain so popular? I believe the answer lies in the concept of "vicarious satisfaction" in our society. 

   Firstly, the ubiquity of social media has inflated the expectations of romance and this makes some people feel burdened about dating. Various criteria have been standardized, making us constantly compare ourselves to those who are wealthier and seemingly better off even in love. The social pressure to measure up to these standards leads to the "idealization of romance."

   However, can we truly experience the realistic emotion of romance in "romance dramas?" The absence of this empathetic connection is precisely what has fueled the success of dating reality shows featuring ordinary individuals. People do not have the will to go through that "perfect" dating process on social media but they still want to feel that emotion since it is a very natural thing as a human. 

   The second reason is that we are living in a very fatigued but also technologically developed society where one can easily enjoy something without taking responsibility. Through dating reality shows we can experience the excitement of "fluttering hearts" without going through the conflicts, sorrows, and pains that could occur during dating. In a fatigued, individualized society people tried to avoid any pain as much as possible. 

   Furthermore, we find it easier to "over-immerse" in the love lives of "ordinary people" who are far from celebrities. The popularity of dating reality shows with ordinary participants lies in the ability of viewers to enjoy the benefits of romance without tits complexities. In an increasingly complex modern society, where some argue that "love" has become a luxury, we need to ponder if whether we can satisfy even our most basic desires vicariously. Now is the time we all have to think about this contradiction. 

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