The information for GROW coaching has been uploaded on the Dongguk University website. 
The information for GROW coaching has been uploaded on DreamPATH for students.
/Photography extracted from the Dongguk University website.


   University life is a period when there are various pressures such as academic, interpersonal relationshops, career decisions, etc., as well as many opportunities for personnal growth and development. As a result, university students may experience academic difficulties, have concerns about their future careers, and encounter problems related to interpersonal relationships. One of Dongguk University's extracurricular programs, the GROW coaching program, that can help students struggling with such problems. This program is a unique program is designed to help Dongguk University students have a successful university life and to help students proactively solve their problems through coaching. Since the program is not well known to students and there are often cases of condusion between related terms, the Dongguk Post aims to describe the differences between coaching and counseling and to provide a detailed explanation of the program, actively encouraging students to experience the program. 


Lets us look at the definition and benefits of coaching

   The term "coaching" originates from the word "coach," which means a guide or leader, and refers to a process that supports the personal development of individuals by focusing on their potential. Coaching is conducted by coaches and customers working together to help customers solve their problems or concerns in a self-directed manner. Rather than providing customers with the right or wrong direction, coaches support customers in finding solutions  to their problems based on trust and help them implement those solutions. The term "counseling" is often confused with coaching and differs in terms of the timing and pirpose of the problem. Counseling is defined as discussing past problems to resolve them, whereas coaching dals with change and growth for the future. Furthermore, counseling has a healing purpose, while coaching aims to achieve change and development focusing on action for change. 

   The effects of coaching can be divided into three main parts: realistic goal-setting, improvement in communication skills, and internal motivation formation. Firstly, through constant questioning by the coach, customers can have time to clarify what kind of life they want for themselves and set realistic goals by referencing the coach's perspective. Secondly, coaching is a continuous provess of expression and listening. Customers can improve their communication skills by expressing their thoughts accurately and listening to advice from the coach. Lastly, the goals set though coaching are self-dtermined, triggering internal motivation, such as interest or expectation, which is known to be stronger that external motivation formed through rewards. This internal motivation can continue to stimulate action, thus bringing the customer clower to their goals. 


Let us look at Dongguk University's GROW coaching program

   The program's name, Grow, stands for Goal, Reality, Options, and Will, signifying the process incolced in achieving personal or organizational goals. To gain a deeper understanding of Dongguk University's GROW coaching program, the Dongguk Post had the opportunity to speak with Lee Jeong-yun, a coach and public director of the Korean Coaching Association's business committee, representative of the Donggurami Coaching Center and an active coach in the GROW coaching program. 

   According to Lee, the GROW coaching program is a coaching program that is executed every semester by professional coaches and professors in Dongguk University's Graduate School of Future Convergence. Lee also explained that "The GROW coaching program is a designed to help students adjust to university life, and to support them in leading themselves toward their own goals regarding academice, careers, and personal growth."

   Regarding concerns that the effectiveness of GROW goaching may be uncertain due to the program's limited three sessions, Lee clarified that coaching effectiveness does not depend on the number of sessions. She emphasized that if there is a deep sense of trust between the coach and the client, even on session can have a significant impact, Lastly, Lee mentioned the special aspect of the Dongguk University GROW coaching program, which is that the program is conducted by professional coaches who have studied coaching academically and in practice. They expressed hope for more active participation and recommendations for the program from those around them. 

   Overall, Donggukians can experience the GROW coaching program, which has great effects, and foster personal growth. This program is available to 120 freshmen and sophomores, and applications can be submitted on DreamPATH every semester. Coaching is provided three times per semester, and students who repond to the survey receive 10 points of DreamPATH mileage. Do not miss the opportunity to receive expert coaching and pursue the life you desire. 

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